2017Year October

Field trips in the neighborhood?

I'm a little late for posting, but yesterday a local elementary school student came to "Creatanaka" for a work experience. They listened intently about glasses and took notes to study. I could greet him firmly, and my uncle was completely impressed. I'll see you guys on Tuesday.

Announcement of reform consultation

Notice of annual jewelry renovation consultationIn the photo of the flyer, it was Suimasen (sweat) and it was upside down (big sweat ...)For two days on the 6th and 7th, we will hold a jewelry renovation consultation meeting with Mr. Kazuya Ashizawa of Kofu. Please contact us to remake the standard standing nail ring and remake the design you want. We are waiting for you.

V-shaped ring stone guard repair

Stone guard requests. Broken nails, took off the stone.Replace the broken nails and stone guard is. It is piccapica with a new finish.Four other diamonds loose nails, lean was so firmly, beautifully finished.