
Town seminar debut

It's a little on purpose.(;^_^A... I made my debut at Mitakamachi Seminar last Saturday. This time, we had a course to make bracelets using natural stone. I was nervous because it was my first time, but I'm glad that the students seemed to enjoy it.?

Labor Thanksgiving Day

The day before yesterday, a bilingual nursery school child made a thank you for Halloween and gave me a present.(*Zhao Zhao)♪ forgot to take pictures of the kids...(sweat)

And yesterday, the children of the nursery school Poppins of the same shop association,(Aoi Lo;He came to the encouragement of labor thanks.(⌒0⌒)/-
Oji-san and his friends are doing their best, are they?👍 For some reason, I forgot to take another picture, but the children gave me a hand-made calendar.

Because I received power firmly, I can do my best p(^^)Q

Thank you all!(⌒0⌒)/-

I went to Uwajima.✌️

I went to Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture. Pearl that I am used to seeing as a product this time(Pearl)I'm studying how it's made.
Here, While most pearls are toned, Mr. Matsumoto is the No.1 manufacturer in Uwajima, which produces atoning pearls with great care and effort.

I was originally going to go out to the sea on the 19th and go to the farm, but I was able to take it to the morning of the 20th aiming at the morning because of the suke.(*Zhao Zhao)♪

Mr. Pearl Matsumoto, thank you for your valuable experience.(__)m
Thank you very much in the future m(__)m

Appreciation 60th birthday❗️

The other day's 16th(soil)For three days from[Appreciation 60th birthday]We held an in-store event entitled. We are very impressed to receive many congratulations and words from our old customers.
It is not in the photograph, but I think that the feeling of nostalgia was also very good by displaying the photograph of Mitaka 60 years ago and the photograph of tanaka clock shop.
I am also happy to give you the rice that I harvested in Todamachi, Niigata the other day.
Also everyone, thank you very much Claire Tanaka in the future m(__)m